Tuesday 19 July 2016

X-Men Apocalypse

last Saturday, I saw X-Men Apocalypse, at the Peckham Multipex . It was very entertaining-well lots of action, but I'm not sure, that was enough to keep the film going for over 2 hours. I'm not a big science fiction fan, but many of these DC, Marvel adaptions, have become so big, that 'you have to go and see it', because everyone else has/ or want's to...that's how successful the films have become.

Tuesday 12 July 2016

boat trip

Through the summer Bede organises lots of different activities. last week (Friday) there was a boat trip from Westminster, down to Greenwich Park.There were about abut 30 who went. It was great to spend that time with Charlene as
well. It was also a very warm, sunny day, so that helped!