Tuesday 31 May 2016


This Saturday, I'm going to the IMAX                  (at Waterloo), with some friends, to see 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2'...I know that it's been on release for a few months and I haven't seen the first one, but I'm going because it's been recommended-let's hope that it's as funny as I've been told. Maybe then, I'll get the original on dvd. I like comedies, but I really don't like horror and science fiction/horror...too scary!

Tuesday 24 May 2016

My sore knee

I went out last Saturday with friends to Millwall Football Ground. I wasn't playing football; they were - and they kicked the ball too hard and it hit me in the knee! Ouch! It's really sore.
l shouldn't have gone out with them; I should have stayed at home - but they twisted my arm.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

voluntary work

I'm a volunteer at a charity in Deptford (one day a week). It's very varied, which makes the work, that more interesting. It's hard, but I enjoy working, both with the other members of staff and meeting the people who come in. One thing that we are not allowed to sell are electrical products, goods...TV's, etc.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

computing course

I want to apply to another college [maybe
Lewisham], to do an IT, computing course, so that
I can understand more about the basics. Hopefully, then I can explain what I know, to other people [friends] who need help.
I would prefer to do a course in a class. I don't think I could do it online without getting too distracted, or being able to concentrate for long enough.