Tuesday 19 January 2016

Last Sunday...

Last Sunday Mark and myself were lucky enough  to get tickets to go and see Millwall play (against Port Vale). This was the first Football League game that I've been to. I enjoyed the match: it was pretty exciting; there was a good atmosphere and some good goals.

Tuesday 12 January 2016

I usually work in...

I usually work in the allotment on Wednesdays. It's been more difficult in recent weeks as the weather has got wetter and much colder.  
There are a few vegetables that are almost ready to take up (carrots, broad beans). Everything gets
shared out amongst all those involved, so it's a 
great way of seeing something come back to  those who are working there.

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Christmas Day

Christmas wasn't as enjoyable this year because I had the flu over the holiday period and spent a few days in bed recovering. 
However I appreciate the effort my mum made in
getting everything  organised. It was a really great meal. We had turkey soup with carrots and mashed potato. Then we had carrot cake and custard.

I wish you all a happy 2016!