Tuesday 20 September 2016

Allotment on Wednesday

It's been busy at the allotment on Wednesday, as
I've been able to take home quite a few different
vegetables: radish, garlic,lettuce and a squash. I've already taken them home, prepared and had them in a couple of meals. There's going to be a Harvest Festival at Bede soon, so it will be an opportunity to display what we have grown-that's if we haven't eaten them! 

Tuesday 2 August 2016

to day is the annual

Today is the annual Bede 5 a side football 
 tournament. A lot of people really look forward
 to this. I'm a bit worried though, because the weather has been quite poor and the ground could be too slippy. There will be a pitch inspection, so let's hope there are no problems. BAD NEWS! It's just been cancelled... 

Tuesday 19 July 2016

X-Men Apocalypse

last Saturday, I saw X-Men Apocalypse, at the Peckham Multipex . It was very entertaining-well lots of action, but I'm not sure, that was enough to keep the film going for over 2 hours. I'm not a big science fiction fan, but many of these DC, Marvel adaptions, have become so big, that 'you have to go and see it', because everyone else has/ or want's to...that's how successful the films have become.

Tuesday 12 July 2016

boat trip

Through the summer Bede organises lots of different activities. last week (Friday) there was a boat trip from Westminster, down to Greenwich Park.There were about abut 30 who went. It was great to spend that time with Charlene as
well. It was also a very warm, sunny day, so that helped! 

Tuesday 21 June 2016

summer fete 2016

I enjoyed helping out at the Bede Summer Fete. I was on the bric-a-brac stall.There were a lot of interesting items, for example, an old     Playstation 2.

Tuesday 14 June 2016


On Saturday, myself and a few friends went to
Saint Peter's Church (Park), off the Walworth Rd, for a 'tea party', to celebrate the Queen's Ninetieth Birthday. I didn't drink any tea, but I did have a burger. It was more an opportunity to hang out, as there as there wasn't any real organised entertainment. We did join in with a few verses of Happy Birthday, which was fun!

Tuesday 31 May 2016


This Saturday, I'm going to the IMAX                  (at Waterloo), with some friends, to see 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2'...I know that it's been on release for a few months and I haven't seen the first one, but I'm going because it's been recommended-let's hope that it's as funny as I've been told. Maybe then, I'll get the original on dvd. I like comedies, but I really don't like horror and science fiction/horror...too scary!

Tuesday 24 May 2016

My sore knee

I went out last Saturday with friends to Millwall Football Ground. I wasn't playing football; they were - and they kicked the ball too hard and it hit me in the knee! Ouch! It's really sore.
l shouldn't have gone out with them; I should have stayed at home - but they twisted my arm.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

voluntary work

I'm a volunteer at a charity in Deptford (one day a week). It's very varied, which makes the work, that more interesting. It's hard, but I enjoy working, both with the other members of staff and meeting the people who come in. One thing that we are not allowed to sell are electrical products, goods...TV's, etc.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

computing course

I want to apply to another college [maybe
Lewisham], to do an IT, computing course, so that
I can understand more about the basics. Hopefully, then I can explain what I know, to other people [friends] who need help.
I would prefer to do a course in a class. I don't think I could do it online without getting too distracted, or being able to concentrate for long enough.      

Tuesday 19 April 2016

.Peckham cinema

I'm going to see the Batman v Superman film on Saturday. Four or five of us will be going to the Peckham Multiplex. We intend to make a day of it: something to eat afterwards and an opportunity just to hang out together.
I try not to pay too much attention to film reviews or to other people's opinions, so they won't affect my enjoyment of the film.

Tuesday 12 April 2016

I really enjoyed my birthday

I really enjoyed my birthday-it was as good as I had hoped it was going to be. We had fried chicken with rice and peas and plantain to eat and a good choice of soft drinks. It was relaxed, fun and great to see everybody.

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Blrthday Party

It's my birthday next week! There are a lot of
things to organise and not much time to get them
sorted out. I can't wait until my birthday! I'm hoping that about 30 people will come. The party will be in the afternoon between 12-5pm. It would  be too difficult to have it later on in the evening. It will be great to get people together and have a celebration.

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Create Art: performance.

I haven't been blogging for a while, because I've    been involved with a community arts project
on Tuesdays. It was organised through Create Arts.Com. A group from Bede and pupils from Grange Primary School, worked together to produce a video, music and dance performance piece about living in London. The piece was performed at the Beormund Community Centre on 22 March. I think the audience really enjoyed it. I found it a challenging and rewarding experience.

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Create Art: introduction.

I've been involved in a film project, run
by Create Arts locally, for the last three weeks. It's an introduction to 'how to make a film' and we are being shown how the whole process is done . It's quite hands on. I've been able to use the video camera. The Project Director and the team, are also helping us to choreograph a dance routine, which can then be filmed.  

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Last Sunday...

Last Sunday Mark and myself were lucky enough  to get tickets to go and see Millwall play (against Port Vale). This was the first Football League game that I've been to. I enjoyed the match: it was pretty exciting; there was a good atmosphere and some good goals.

Tuesday 12 January 2016

I usually work in...

I usually work in the allotment on Wednesdays. It's been more difficult in recent weeks as the weather has got wetter and much colder.  
There are a few vegetables that are almost ready to take up (carrots, broad beans). Everything gets
shared out amongst all those involved, so it's a 
great way of seeing something come back to  those who are working there.

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Christmas Day

Christmas wasn't as enjoyable this year because I had the flu over the holiday period and spent a few days in bed recovering. 
However I appreciate the effort my mum made in
getting everything  organised. It was a really great meal. We had turkey soup with carrots and mashed potato. Then we had carrot cake and custard.

I wish you all a happy 2016!