Tuesday 31 March 2015

Easter break

I'm looking forward to Easter, mainly because there are a couple of bank holidays and that means a very long weekend. I've bought my Mum and  Aunty a selection of Easter eggs-the 'fun' one's:
Smarties, Maltesers, Cadbury's chocolate buttons. At least they will both get a bit of variety. Of course we'll have a really nice meal on Sunday as well...that will be great.


There's a music festival coming soon for people with learning difficulties. Click on this link to see their website: http://newforestspectrum.org/

Tree planting

There was  a tree planting in Southwark
Park last Thursday and quite a number of staff and students from Bede were there to help out. I helped with a bit of  digging.The saplings planted included apple, cherry and peach. I'm not sure how long it will take for them to grow to a reasonable size...apparently they (apple trees) can grow at between 12-24 inches each year, though they won't usually grow  much  more than 25 to 30 feet anyway. 

Photos by Thomas Graham...used with kind permission.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

That was the week...almost

I've started a print making course at The London School of Communication (referred on from Morley College) at the (new) Elephant and Castle site. This is week two, of what will be a short introduction to the various techniques, so we can create a design for a T-shirt. 
                                                                                  In the end nothing was organised for Red Nose Day.

Went to the Unicorn Theatre on Saturday with John and Martin, to see a production called 'Britain's Best Recruiting Sergeant'. It was really good, funny and entertaining.

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Red Nose Day

It's Red Nose Day on Friday and I could be helping out with the preparations for some 'fun day' activities. Each year Bede tries to organise something for the day-I need to speak to Theresa-more next time.

It was a really pleasant weekend-well Saturday was lovely. Wasn't it great? It seems like a long time since we've had such beautiful weather: today is pretty good as well-just the boost that was needed. I also saw my good friend John-always a pleasure to see him. 

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Gary's Funeral

Had to say goodbye to Gary today. It was his funeral at Brenchley Gardens. A small group from Bede went to the service, though there were a large number in attendence.  It was quite emotional, very sad really, particularly I suppose, as his death was so sudden/and unexpected. Difficult for everyone and very hard for his family. I will miss  him, but I will not forget him.