Tuesday 17 February 2015


Charlene and I composed a short speech,presented last Friday by Nick.It went down pretty well-I don't seem to have a copy.Charlene got me a nice bracelet for Valentine and I bought her a digital watch,which she really seemed to like.There's another meeting on Friday,with regard to relationship issues.Later that evening, I hope to see Charlene again for a bit of a get together-looking forward to it.


Looking ahead

Aims for 2015 at Bede:
I'm looking for a job with Bede Plus; recycle the rubbish-don't forget to recycle cans, paper and plastic between 10am and 11.30am; work with the allotment group between 1pm and 3pm;
 more trips out with Bede during the year.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

The latest...

I'm working on a short presentation speech (with Charlene), to welcome guests to Bede on Friday, for the 'Inside-Outside' tea party.

My mangled finger-quite swollen. Fortunately not broken-looks nasty though. 

Sad news, Gary my friend and a good friend to everyone at Bede, died on Sunday. I would like to offer my respects and condolences to his family. 
Thinking of you all at this sad time.    

Tuesday 3 February 2015

The Workshop

The Friday workshop: it was helpful as Charlene and I were able to talk about our 
relationship. It was a bit frightening that we were actually going sit down and do that: how the relationship was working and maybe could work better. Could we behave and act responsibly?
Relationships between two people affect a lot of others and it can be difficult when they are also concerned about the person they care about. 

AND I got my little finger crushed in the door of a 37 bus the other day-more next time.