Tuesday 1 December 2015

Winkworth party

Spectre was as good and better than I was hoping-
very exciting and entertaining. I'll be going to the Winkworth party on Friday. They make a big effort to help and support Bede. I'll be going with Charlene, so that will be something else to look forward to.  

Tuesday 24 November 2015

I'm looking forward...

I'm looking forward to seeing the latest Bond film on Saturday. A small group of us are going to go to the Peckham Multiplex this weekend. I'm a fairly big Bond fan anyway, but this was the only film that we could all agree on that we wanted to see. We'll also have something to eat afterwards-probably Chinese. Looking forward to meeting up with everyone.   

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Christmas Fete 20015

It's the Bede Christmas Fete on 8th December. I'll be able to help out-probably on the books, DVD and CD stall. Usually there are a lot of interesting items and in very good condition as well. It's a fun day for everyone involved. Lets hope it's as successful as last year, if not more.


Tuesday 10 November 2015

Bede AGM

It's the Bede AGM this Thursday and an opportunity for everyone involved (with Bede), to meet up in one place-there will be cake as well! I like to go, because Bede is such an important part of the things that I do each week. Also, I know so many people who go there and it is like being part of a community...

Tuesday 3 November 2015

the centre

The Bede centre is moving in 2018. The new centre will need a ramp for wheelchairs. 

Arsenal this season...

I would like to see Arsenal play at the
Emirates at least once this season, but I know that's going go be really difficult, because the 
tickets are expensive and there is so much demand for them. Whether Arsenal continue to challenge for the title or not, may not matter anyway. Still, I've got my official T-shirt (which I could just about afford) to play with currently. Lets see how the season goes.

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Halloween at Bede

Our Halloween fun day is on Tuesday 27th  October
Halloween is getting nearer and I'm looking forward to the party. Often we dress up in scary
costumes and decorate the hall with pictures, pumpkins and lights.

Tuesday 13 October 2015

drama group 2015

In the Friday drama group at Bede, we are doing our own version of the X Factor. It's a bit difficult to explain, but we will be both taking on the roles of the various characters on the panel of judges ( I think I'm Louie), while other members of the group participate as contestants. A lot  of the work we do in the group is about using our imaginations as much as possible and this will be no different-as you can see!


Tuesday 6 October 2015

Digging Potatoes

Last week the allotment  group dug up the potatoes we grew over summer. There were  lots of  potatoes. The carrots are still in the ground.
We've got some pumpkin seeds that we're going to plant soon.

Tuesday 29 September 2015


I grew this pumpkin for the Bede Harvest Festival and then I made it into soup with help from Rosemary.

I really enjoyed the Harvest Show because I came second with my pumpkin. It took a long time to grow.

I shared the soup with the guys here on Friday, and took the rest of it home. It tasted really good.

Tuesday 15 September 2015

back at Bede

I only blog when I go into Bede.The recent
big gap since my last post, represents the time I've been away until now. I suppose I haven't really done a lot-just fairly routine things. However, I've been  working as a volunteer ( one day a week), at a charity in Deptford. I really like working with the people there. 

Tuesday 14 July 2015


I a lmooking forward to the Summer Fete at the bedThursday 16th July at 11am-2pm. Make sure you buy a raffle ticket. I hope I win a prize. I will enjoy looking around the stalls with my girlfriend  Charlene.

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Summer activities

Bede's summer activity programme has started. Today there's a football  match (or tournament? Not sure what the format will be) against/involving  Winckworth Sherwood. It's an event that is usually well supported and a lot of people want to be involved in playing. I hope Iv'e got the energy...to keep running around.

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Houses of Parliament 2015

Last week (Tuesday 16th)  a small group, including myself, went on a short visit to the  Houses of  Parliament.There was a lot of security; it was strange to see  the place where the country is governed from, but nothing much seemed to be happening. We also met the MP for Southwark and Bermondsey, Neil Coyle. 

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Dance Group

The dance group still meets every Friday          (10-11am). It' s really good exercise; can be a lot of fun and I like being part of a group working together. Jess runs the session and she makes it both challenging and enjoyable. It's also an opportunity for Charlene and myself to meet up and do something together as well.     

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Let's dance...

Bede has organised a 'danceathon', which will run through the week (until Friday). It's an opportunity to dance our socks off this week and raise some money for charity.However, it's a bit  difficult to find sponsors as everybody is asking everyone else (that I know).

There has already been been plenty of opportunity to get up and dance... 'spontaneously'-it's like being on the set of Dirty Dancing! I do like a bit of a dance, but to be honest, I also often prefer just to relax to something quiet. Does that sound really boring...?

gallery visit

Got it wrong, the trip to the Menier Gallery was  last Friday. Great day out though!

I was busy earlier. A lot of second hand furniture
had been donated to Bede (very nice). We had to not only bring that in, but also throw the old stuff out - a lot of it big and bulky.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

This summer's activities

It's a little early to be thinking about it, but I'm  looking forward to some of the Bede summer activities. Last year there were trips to Thorpe Park, the Surrey Quays boating marina, and to the seaside at Brighton, amongst others. I don't think the itinerary has been worked out yet, but it could include Southend, Little Hampton, or Hastings.  

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Gallery visit

I'm looking forward to the trip out on Friday (organised by Bede) to the Menier Gallery.The exhibition 'is the work of artists with learning disabilities and autism'.A small group of artists went to mountains in Southern France, for one week and these are the works they created. I should be out for most of the day. To be fair
Bede are good at setting up these trips and visits.
I like to draw a little myself, (though just with pencil) and usually anything that is around me...in for example, the room I'm in. It,s difficult... 

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Bowling in Lewlsham

Went and played ten pin  bowling on Monday down in Lewisham. I prefer to go there mainly because it's quite a bit cheaper than Surrey Quays.
Three of us played. I don't like to boast but I won comfortably. I play quite regularly, so I suppose  the practice has really helped. We only played for one hour.

Tuesday 28 April 2015


There were two birthdays on consecutive days
last week (Friday and Saturday). There were parties at each house to celebrate both, though neither were big affairs. It's funny that they were so close together, but I was glad to be able to get to both.

Just kidding, folks...

Honestly, it's hard work enjoying yourself. I felt tired on Sunday and don't think I've recovered yet! I should say that I don't drink, so I think it's only because being out fairly late over a number of nights, I just haven't slept properly.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

How was the party?

It was my birthday very recently and I think everyone had a really good time  (at the party): plenty of  food, good choice of drinks and lots of dancing.

It was just a small gathering; sorry that a few people couldn't make it, but was also happy to spend time with Charlene (particularly dancing!). I'm sure no one thought I was ignoring them-well I hope not.
.I've got some slices of cake to hand out to 2 or3 friends who couldn't make it ( that's the party, not the cake)...thanks to all.

Tuesday 31 March 2015

Easter break

I'm looking forward to Easter, mainly because there are a couple of bank holidays and that means a very long weekend. I've bought my Mum and  Aunty a selection of Easter eggs-the 'fun' one's:
Smarties, Maltesers, Cadbury's chocolate buttons. At least they will both get a bit of variety. Of course we'll have a really nice meal on Sunday as well...that will be great.


There's a music festival coming soon for people with learning difficulties. Click on this link to see their website: http://newforestspectrum.org/

Tree planting

There was  a tree planting in Southwark
Park last Thursday and quite a number of staff and students from Bede were there to help out. I helped with a bit of  digging.The saplings planted included apple, cherry and peach. I'm not sure how long it will take for them to grow to a reasonable size...apparently they (apple trees) can grow at between 12-24 inches each year, though they won't usually grow  much  more than 25 to 30 feet anyway. 

Photos by Thomas Graham...used with kind permission.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

That was the week...almost

I've started a print making course at The London School of Communication (referred on from Morley College) at the (new) Elephant and Castle site. This is week two, of what will be a short introduction to the various techniques, so we can create a design for a T-shirt. 
                                                                                  In the end nothing was organised for Red Nose Day.

Went to the Unicorn Theatre on Saturday with John and Martin, to see a production called 'Britain's Best Recruiting Sergeant'. It was really good, funny and entertaining.

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Red Nose Day

It's Red Nose Day on Friday and I could be helping out with the preparations for some 'fun day' activities. Each year Bede tries to organise something for the day-I need to speak to Theresa-more next time.

It was a really pleasant weekend-well Saturday was lovely. Wasn't it great? It seems like a long time since we've had such beautiful weather: today is pretty good as well-just the boost that was needed. I also saw my good friend John-always a pleasure to see him. 

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Gary's Funeral

Had to say goodbye to Gary today. It was his funeral at Brenchley Gardens. A small group from Bede went to the service, though there were a large number in attendence.  It was quite emotional, very sad really, particularly I suppose, as his death was so sudden/and unexpected. Difficult for everyone and very hard for his family. I will miss  him, but I will not forget him. 

Tuesday 17 February 2015


Charlene and I composed a short speech,presented last Friday by Nick.It went down pretty well-I don't seem to have a copy.Charlene got me a nice bracelet for Valentine and I bought her a digital watch,which she really seemed to like.There's another meeting on Friday,with regard to relationship issues.Later that evening, I hope to see Charlene again for a bit of a get together-looking forward to it.


Looking ahead

Aims for 2015 at Bede:
I'm looking for a job with Bede Plus; recycle the rubbish-don't forget to recycle cans, paper and plastic between 10am and 11.30am; work with the allotment group between 1pm and 3pm;
 more trips out with Bede during the year.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

The latest...

I'm working on a short presentation speech (with Charlene), to welcome guests to Bede on Friday, for the 'Inside-Outside' tea party.

My mangled finger-quite swollen. Fortunately not broken-looks nasty though. 

Sad news, Gary my friend and a good friend to everyone at Bede, died on Sunday. I would like to offer my respects and condolences to his family. 
Thinking of you all at this sad time.    

Tuesday 3 February 2015

The Workshop

The Friday workshop: it was helpful as Charlene and I were able to talk about our 
relationship. It was a bit frightening that we were actually going sit down and do that: how the relationship was working and maybe could work better. Could we behave and act responsibly?
Relationships between two people affect a lot of others and it can be difficult when they are also concerned about the person they care about. 

AND I got my little finger crushed in the door of a 37 bus the other day-more next time.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Friday workshop

I'm going to a workshop on Friday with my girlfriend Charlene (ten in the group in total). It's to talk/discuss issues to do with relationships. I'm not sure how I feel about it, but it should be interesting and I hope I'm (we are) going to get some helpful information and advice. Will comment next time.

Tuesday 6 January 2015


  I enjoyed half of Christmas and that was the first
half when I had dinner with my mum, quite a few aunties and a few of  my mums friends. It was relaxed and pretty easy going. The only thing though was that it was really crowded and it wasn't possible to dance.