Tuesday 16 December 2014

Bede flag raising.

Went to the Bede flag raising ceremony in Southwark Park today.
These were flags created in the Tuesday art group (by a method called batique), all with a 'seasons' theme, ie. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Really brilliant colours and great designs. I wasn't  actually involved in producing those flags in those classes, but I could see that everyone that had, was pretty proud of what they had done. Anyway, we were all happy to celebrate the occasion. 

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Bede Christmas fair

The Christmas fair took place on Friday and it was as much fun and more than I had hoped. I was helping out on the bric-a-brac stall with Mark, who ran it, the lady from Winkworth's and  Charlene. It was very busy for the first hour, quietened down and then there was a mad rush at the end, as everything was reduced in price. We sold a lot of stuff. I bought Charlene some
shoes off another stall, which she really liked. The day was a really good laugh.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Dance Performance

Looking forward to the dance performance on 19th December. There are ten of us in the group
and we've been together for over a year. Jess and Michael run the group. Jess creates and develops the routines and Michael composes the music to  go with it. The performance is entitled 'Tales of the Circus', which gives a little idea of the theme, but a bit of imagination might be needed. I really enjoy it: both working with the other people and the opportunity to express myself through movement/ dance.