Tuesday 28 October 2014

Black History Month

This morning we had a short session about black culture/ history. It was really interesting and inspiring. Quite a few people I had heard of and knew a little about them (Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama, Ophray Winfrey, Usain Bolt). Many I had not heard of before, sportsmen/women (for example, Viv Anderson-the first black player to play for England) writers. However, I'm mostly inspired by the music of artists that I like: Bean Man, Bob Marley...and I do like Michael Jackson's music regardless of anything else that can be said.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Favourite TV programmes 1

One of my favourite TV programmes is NCIS. I like crime/detective solving programmes. The stories are usually quite complicated, but it is the team working together, with their different skills, that will solve the crime. Gibbs is of course, like the 'father figure' and the rest of the team, apart from Ducky(Mother?), the children-with the usual arguing you might expect. They are all really interesting characters and there is always a lot of great shared humour between them. Favourite character...guess?

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Halloween soon

I'm looking forward to the Halloween party (on 31st ). Ok, its two weeks away, but I'm that excited that I've got to mention it now. Its taking place in the hall at Bede. Before that, in the morning, in the drama class, we will be rehearsing our dance routine, which we will perform during the party. It will be great to see people-if I can recognise them-they might be wearing fancy dress-only joking. Also, I'm really looking forward to seeing Charlene.