Tuesday 16 December 2014

Bede flag raising.

Went to the Bede flag raising ceremony in Southwark Park today.
These were flags created in the Tuesday art group (by a method called batique), all with a 'seasons' theme, ie. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Really brilliant colours and great designs. I wasn't  actually involved in producing those flags in those classes, but I could see that everyone that had, was pretty proud of what they had done. Anyway, we were all happy to celebrate the occasion. 

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Bede Christmas fair

The Christmas fair took place on Friday and it was as much fun and more than I had hoped. I was helping out on the bric-a-brac stall with Mark, who ran it, the lady from Winkworth's and  Charlene. It was very busy for the first hour, quietened down and then there was a mad rush at the end, as everything was reduced in price. We sold a lot of stuff. I bought Charlene some
shoes off another stall, which she really liked. The day was a really good laugh.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Dance Performance

Looking forward to the dance performance on 19th December. There are ten of us in the group
and we've been together for over a year. Jess and Michael run the group. Jess creates and develops the routines and Michael composes the music to  go with it. The performance is entitled 'Tales of the Circus', which gives a little idea of the theme, but a bit of imagination might be needed. I really enjoy it: both working with the other people and the opportunity to express myself through movement/ dance.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Christmas fair

It's the Bede Christmas fair on 5th December.
I'll be helping out, but it's a team effort,  everybody does their bit. I should be on one of the
stalls selling books, dvd's, cd's etc. There's        usually a good selection of  things and if  I see anything I like, I'll definitely have to buy it. We're not allowed to sell electrical items. Also, there will be a raffle, tombola, home made cakes, chutneys,
pickles and a lot of  bric a brac/ household
stuff. Its going to be a lot of fun.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

The Bede AGM

 Thursday November 13-2014 (6.30-9pm).

I helped to set up for the meeting: chairs, tables, more chairs. There were a lot of people, including  some  familiar faces I had not seen for a while. Verity was there as well, so that was a nice surprise. I had a brief chat with her. The Mayor of Southwark also turned up. We escorted quite a few people around the premises, so they could see what usually happens.

Can meetings be enjoyable? Well I enjoyed it. Afterwards, it was soft drinks, snacks, music and dancing. Don't tell me meetings are boring.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Bede Centre Christmas Fair

Our Christmas Fair will be on Friday 5th December 11- 2pm

Tuesday 4 November 2014


It was Halloween (day) at Bede on Friday. Through the morning there were craft activities. The plan was to make a guy.We had a full set of old  clothes and stuffed them with newspaper, to create the body-it looked pretty good. It also had a mask which was an A4 sheet, with the faces of the people in our group (Charlene, Anne MJ and myself) photographed and printed on it-clever. This activity lasted most of the morning, up until the lunch break. 
After that the party proper started. There were snacks, cakes, soft drinks, music and dancing (with Charlene). I enjoyed myself. In fact, I think we both had a really good time. It was great to see everybody, particularly Charlene. 

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Black History Month

This morning we had a short session about black culture/ history. It was really interesting and inspiring. Quite a few people I had heard of and knew a little about them (Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama, Ophray Winfrey, Usain Bolt). Many I had not heard of before, sportsmen/women (for example, Viv Anderson-the first black player to play for England) writers. However, I'm mostly inspired by the music of artists that I like: Bean Man, Bob Marley...and I do like Michael Jackson's music regardless of anything else that can be said.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Favourite TV programmes 1

One of my favourite TV programmes is NCIS. I like crime/detective solving programmes. The stories are usually quite complicated, but it is the team working together, with their different skills, that will solve the crime. Gibbs is of course, like the 'father figure' and the rest of the team, apart from Ducky(Mother?), the children-with the usual arguing you might expect. They are all really interesting characters and there is always a lot of great shared humour between them. Favourite character...guess?

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Halloween soon

I'm looking forward to the Halloween party (on 31st ). Ok, its two weeks away, but I'm that excited that I've got to mention it now. Its taking place in the hall at Bede. Before that, in the morning, in the drama class, we will be rehearsing our dance routine, which we will perform during the party. It will be great to see people-if I can recognise them-they might be wearing fancy dress-only joking. Also, I'm really looking forward to seeing Charlene.  

Tuesday 30 September 2014

On the computer

I was on the Internet this morning (You Tube) . I really enjoyed myself listening to music. Some old favourites: Alexander Burke (in concert)-she has a great voice; and Psy, even though he only had one good tune, but it was a huge hit of course. I haven't heard much else that I like by him.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

About me

My name is Muizz. This a picture of me. I've just started this blog. It's the first blog I've had. I live in London. I'm good at computers and I'm good at tidying up. I like recycling. I hope you like my blog.

Tuesday 16 September 2014


Welcome everyone!
I come to Bede and this is where I write my blog.